Tēnā koe. Welcome to Practice 371.
We are an experienced team of psychologists, counsellors, and dietitians offering specialist treatment for eating disorders, eating-related difficulties and body image concerns in adolescents and adults, as well as support services for family and friends.
At Practice 371 we are committed to offering specialist inclusive care to those with concerns about their eating behaviours and body image. These can exist anywhere along a continuum from formally diagnosed eating disorders to problematic eating behaviours or exercise, concerns with weight and shape, or the effects of dieting and diet culture.
Health At Every Size
Our team uses a non-diet approach, and are aligned with the Health At Every Size (HAES) movement. Our priority is the respectful care of all people and the development of helpful thoughts and behaviours around food and bodies, rather than a specific focus on weight and size.
Our Services
Our team are experienced specialists in the treatment of bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, ARFID, atypical anorexia and other diagnoses that fall under OSFED (Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders). We also provide support and treatment for clients experiencing problematic eating behaviours or exercise, concerns with weight and shape, or those affected by dieting and diet culture.
Some Words From Us
"I work alongside my clients to help them develop a deeper understanding of their challenges, and to build on their strengths to help them move towards a more peaceful relationship with food and their bodies. Regardless of where you are in this relationship, I believe that everyone is capable of making meaningful and long-lasting change."
- Kate
“My focus is providing a space where my clients can come to understand what underpins their eating difficulties, and offering support and guidance as they move from awareness and understanding, to figuring out the ‘how’ of making change.”
- Zara

Get in touch
We are currently open to new referrals.
To find out more about booking an appointment or for other enquiries please complete our New Client Appointment Request Form.
We look forward to hearing from you.